LGBTQ Housing Services in Los Angeles County: A Comprehensive Guide

The Los Angeles LGBT Center is dedicated to providing safe housing options for members of the LGBTQ community in Los Angeles County through its Homelessness Prevention Initiative. This report compiles existing research on homeless transgender youth providing an ove

LGBTQ Housing Services in Los Angeles County: A Comprehensive Guide

The Los Angeles LGBT Center is a vital social safety net for the LGBTQ community, providing a safe and welcoming place for people of all ages to find help, hope, and support. To address the overrepresentation of LGBTQ youth among homeless youth, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has launched the Homelessness Prevention Initiative for LGBTQ Youth (Initiative). The Initiative seeks to identify successful strategies to ensure that no young person becomes homeless due to their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. The objectives of the Initiative are to facilitate better local collaboration between stakeholders working with youth and families, including local child welfare, education, and law enforcement agencies; providers of fugitive and homeless youth; LGBTQ organizations; and other local stakeholders. It also aims to help federal agencies and local communities learn more about implementing community strategies to prevent homelessness for LGBTQ youth at risk of staying homeless, and intervene soon when this occurs. The Los Angeles LGBT Center's Anita May Rosenstein campus provides space for the organization's administrative offices, services, shelter for the homeless, and affordable housing for older people and transition-age youth.

The Center also offers a range of housing services specifically for members of the LGBTQ community in Los Angeles County. These include Safe Place, a community-based program that designates businesses and organizations as safe places, allowing young people in communities across the country to easily access the help they need. The Center also provides specialized services to diverse communities, including LGBTQI communities, people who are deaf and hard of hearing, and underserved ethnic communities. In addition, it offers legal support for those facing discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Few existing studies on young people who practice survival sex use peer interviews to explore the perspectives of LGBTQ youth about their own experiences, circumstances, service needs, and desires for individual and social change. This research is an excellent resource for increasing knowledge about homelessness in the LGBTQ community and can help professionals design culturally appropriate interventions. This report compiles existing research to provide an overview of the demographics of homeless transgender youth, their experiences while homeless, and the factors that contribute to homelessness and housing instability in this community.

It also discusses the challenges transgender people face in accessing community services and HUD's commitment to ensuring that all homeless people have access to inclusive and non-discriminatory housing. Using several criteria, HUD and its partners selected two communities: Hamilton County (Cincinnati), Ohio, and Harris County (Houston), Texas, to recruit them to participate as pilot sites. Elenis is a decision taken on the last day of Pride Month that allows a private company to discriminate against members of a protected class.

LGBTQ Housing Services in Los Angeles County: A Comprehensive Guide

The Los Angeles LGBT Center is dedicated to providing safe housing options for members of the LGBTQ community in Los Angeles County. Through its Homelessness Prevention Initiative for LGBTQ Youth (Initiative), HUD has identified successful strategies to ensure that no young person becomes homeless due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. The Center's Anita May Rosenstein campus provides space for administrative offices, services, shelter for the homeless, and affordable housing for older people and transition-age youth. The Center offers a range of housing services, such as Safe Place – a community-based program that designates businesses and organizations as safe places – allowing young people in communities across the country to easily access help.

It also provides specialized services to diverse communities such as LGBTQI communities, people who are deaf or hard of hearing, and underserved ethnic communities. In addition, it offers legal support for those facing discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Research on Homeless Transgender Youth

Few existing studies on young people who practice survival sex use peer interviews to explore the perspectives of LGBTQ youth about their own experiences, circumstances, service needs, and desires for individual and social change. This research is an excellent resource for increasing knowledge about homelessness in the LGBTQ community and can help professionals design culturally appropriate interventions. This report compiles existing research to provide an overview of the demographics of homeless transgender youth, their experiences while homeless, and the factors that contribute to housing instability in this community. It also discusses the challenges transgender people face in accessing community services and HUD's commitment to ensuring that all homeless people have access to inclusive and non-discriminatory housing.

HUD Pilot Sites

Using several criteria, HUD and its partners selected two communities: Hamilton County (Cincinnati), Ohio, and Harris County (Houston), Texas, to recruit them to participate as pilot sites.

Elenis is a decision taken on the last day of Pride Month that allows a private company to discriminate against members of a protected class.


The Los Angeles LGBT Center is committed to providing safe housing options for members of the LGBTQ community in Los Angeles County. The Center's Anita May Rosenstein campus provides space for administrative offices, services, shelter for the homeless, and affordable housing for older people and transition-age youth. The Center offers a range of housing services such as Safe Place – a community-based program that designates businesses and organizations as safe places – allowing young people in communities across the country access help. It also provides specialized services such as legal support for those facing discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. This report compiles existing research on homeless transgender youth providing an overview of their experiences while homeless as well as factors contributing to housing instability in this community. It also discusses challenges transgender people face in accessing community services as well as HUD's commitment towards ensuring all homeless people have access to inclusive non-discriminatory housing.

Anja Bruijn
Anja Bruijn

Proud internet junkie. Lifelong zombie lover. Amateur food fan. Infuriatingly humble zombie aficionado. Hardcore zombie advocate. Total bacon scholar.

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