Supporting Transgender Individuals in Los Angeles County

Los Angeles County is making great strides in providing support for its transgender population. Through organizations like Trans Lifeline, TransPowerment, BAART Beverly, and James Health Center, transgender individuals are able to access resources that can help the

Supporting Transgender Individuals in Los Angeles County

Trans Lifeline is an organization that provides peer support to the transgender community. It is run by and for trans people, with the goal of helping LGBT individuals live as healthy, equal, and complete members of society. In Humboldt County, the group was able to increase its visibility by creating a successful support group at a local cafe. With the help of local organizations, they were also able to establish a health care clinic for transgender people. In order to make transgender people feel more welcome when accessing a clinic's services, it is essential to modify forms so that patients have the option of self-identifying their gender and sexual identity.

Additionally, many low-income communities and communities of color within the transgender community face additional cultural and financial barriers to accessing health care. To address this issue, Danielle was able to help TransPowerment connect through specific community activities with low-income transgender populations and created a multi-cultural support group. BAART Beverly requested and received stimulus money to expand health services for transgender people to south and east Los Angeles County through a mobile health van program. This involved more work and required the addition of more organizational experience, but it resulted in a more engaged community and a focus on issues that really mattered to the community. At the James Health Center in San Jose, doctors were very interested in caring for the transgender community, but lacked sufficient knowledge or experience to feel comfortable doing so. To address this issue, workshops were held to help the organization identify a core group of Guy's Chat leaders and other support groups for transgender people who were thinking beyond their personal needs and were interested in changing the system so that the health care needs of transgender people could be adequately met in a supportive environment. Los Angeles County is making great strides in providing support for its transgender population.

Through organizations like Trans Lifeline, TransPowerment, BAART Beverly, and James Health Center, transgender individuals are able to access resources that can help them live healthy lives. These organizations are working hard to ensure that all members of the LGBT community have access to quality health care and are treated with respect.

Anja Bruijn
Anja Bruijn

Proud internet junkie. Lifelong zombie lover. Amateur food fan. Infuriatingly humble zombie aficionado. Hardcore zombie advocate. Total bacon scholar.

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